Empire Hotel


she opened the window at the empire hotel

it might have been before or after she fell


shadow of a doubt wasn’t really a tell

the trace she left was a wish in a well


Empire Hotel

Empire Hotel


the twist in her hair was a only meant for a few

it might have been a sign of something she knew


the pattern on the floor was a hexagram cross

the stem of each flower was a measure of loss


Empire Hotel

Empire Hotel


the clothes in her closet were once worn in a play

it might have been real it depends on the day


he took her from the bay cause that is what he does

she might have been naked its true that she was


Empire Hotel

Empire Hotel


the tower she climbs is a thing made of smoke

or a mirror held up to a promise he broke


the scene falls away in a telescope view

she falls like a doll or an actor on cue


Empire Hotel

Empire Hotel


he falls to his knees like a suit full of breath

the wood of the stair smells like cedar and death


she stares at the painting through the back of her head

the twist in her hair is in a book that she read


Empire Hotel

Empire Hotel




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